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MSHCPA is closely monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in Mississippi, across our nation and the entire world. The health and safety of our patients is our top priority.  It is very important that all medical providers stay aware and up-to-date as developments are happening very quickly. We implore all home health providers to issue a directive to all medical workers: If you’re feeling sick, then please do not visit the homes of any patients.  Studies have shown that elderly people over the age of 60 are most at risk, especially those that have preexisting conditions. Because our industry deals primarily with older people, we have to be very careful that we don’t contribute to the problem.  We are asking all health care providers to encourage your workers, staff and the general public to follow the guidance of public health officials.  Minimize your contact with others. This is now being called social distancing. We know that isolating yourself may be hard, but it’s the only way that we can constrict the spread of coronavirus.  Wash your hands thoroughly. It’s important to regularly and thoroughly clean your hands using water and soap, or antibacterial hand sanitizers that will kill the virus on your hands. When washing your hands, sing the Happy Birthday song twice. That is the recommended length of time that we should spend washing our hands. When using hand sanitizer, it’s important to leave it on your hands and let it dry. Avoid touching your face. Even though we are working overtime to keep our hands clean, it’s still extremely easy for our hands to pick up viruses. Once your hands are contaminated, you increase the risk of catching coronavirus when you touch your face. So when you are out in the public, please refrain from touching your face until you are able to clean your hands.  MSHCPA is closely monitoring any new developments. Please check back for updates.